Welcome to Jefferson High School Athletic Registration

You will need your student's Jeffco Student ID to complete the registration.

First day of Spring practice - February 24th - Baseball, Girls Soccer, Girls Tennis and

Boys and Girls Track

All the registration steps will need to be completed and approved prior to participating on the first offical day of practices.

The District fee for each sport you participate in is $185 to be paid to JHS on the Campus Portal.
Each fee should be paid before the next season begins.
We request each family fill out the Student Benefits Application on School Cafe' to see if you qualify for the fee to be waived. 
This form will be good for the entire 2024-25 school year.

If you are a new student and want to play a sport please come to the Athletic Office.

Thank you!

Bienvenido a Jefferson High School Registro atlético de escuela secundaria 2024-25.

Necesitará la identificación de estudiante de Jeffco de su estudiante para completar el registro.

Las inscripciones deportivas para la temporada de deportes de INVIERNO 2023-2024 ya están cerradas.

Si es un estudiante nuevo y desea practicar un deporte de primavera, venga a la Oficina de Deportes.



Click the icon below to begin

Haga clic en el icono a continuacion para comenzar

Athletic Team Registration


If you have questions or need assistance with the registration, please contact:

Don Morse
Athletic Director
Phone: 303-982-3267
Carrie Yoder
Athletic & Activities Assistant
Phone: (303) 982-6061